RASCOM: the 2024 results & future outlook
The beginning of the year gives a rise for a serious-minded progress review. Today we would like to share with the colleagues the main achievements of the company in 2024 as well as to disclose our ambitious plans.
In 2024 RASCOM kept working on strengthening the connectivity of its own IP network. There were new peering interfaces implemented with the leading global networks. The aggregate capacity of external interfaces of RASCOM IP network had increased by 57% during 2024.
It is important to emphasize the growth in sales of DDoS mitigation services among the significant events of the year. This high-demanded and trending service considerably contributes to steady operation of any business. RASCOM specialists perform a convenient and available form of interaction related to the DDoS protection issues. We provide our customers with the urgent support as well as confidence in the secure operation of resources.
The significant factor of prospective development of RASCOM business is becoming our partnership program. We keep expanding our partner network and offering them beneficial conditions for cooperation. The partners can offer RASCOM services as a part of their own services as well as the whole RASCOM service under their own brand. Thus, the customers get enhanced experience in a single-provider-mode while all the services are connected by the single management and monitoring.
At last year end the implemented capacity of RASCOM network exceeded 45 Tbit. Whereas the available capacity is allowing delivering the “turnkey” services shortly for all the urgent requests.
RASCOM keeps investing into its key advantages: the current reserve of capacity, flexibility of our price policy and speed of service delivery. Drawing on our years of experience, in 2025 we are getting ready for getting new routes operating and planning to expand the network so that RASCOM keeps consolidating its status of reliable bridge between Russia, Europe and Asia Pacific region.